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Ongoing works
- LLM-based Ship Collision Avoidance
- Koopman Operator-based Robust Ship Heading Control
- Trajectory Optimization & TRN of UUV
- Adaptive Tube-based MPC for Quadrotors
- Launch and Recovery Trajectory Planning and Control
Journal (Under review)
Jinwook Park, Changyu Lee, Jinwhan Kim*
Journal (Published)
[J9] Safety-Guaranteed Ship Berthing using Cascade Tube-based Model Predictive Control
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (TCST), 2024
Changyu Lee, Quoc Van Tran, Jinwhan Kim*[J7] Field experiment of autonomous ship navigation in canal and surrounding nearshore environments
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR), 2023
Jonghwi Kim, Changyu Lee, Dongha Chung, Yonghoon Cho, Jinwhan Kim*, Wangseok Jang, Saeyong ParkEditor's Choice at Science Robotics
[J5] Navigable Area Detection and Perception-guided Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Navigation in Narrow Waterways
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2023
(Presented at IEEE ICRA 2024)
($^\dagger$: equally contributed)
[J4] A learning-based approach to surface vehicle dynamics modeling for robust multistep prediction
Autonomous Robots, 2023
Junwoo Jang, Changyu Lee, Jinwhan Kim*[J3] Model Predictive Anti-spin Thruster Control for Efficient Ship Propulsion in Irregular Waves
Control Engineering Practice, 2023
Changyu Lee, Jinwhan Kim*[J2] Robust Bearing-based Formation Tracking Control of Underactuated Surface Vessels: An Output Regulation Approach
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2023
Quoc Van Tran*, Changyu Lee, Jinwhan Kim, Hoang Quang Nguyen[J1] Ambiguity Resolution Between Constant Velocity and Coordinated Turn Models for Multimodel Target Tracking
IEEE Sensors Letters, 2022
Junwoo Jang, Changyu Lee, Jinwhan Kim*Conference
[C6] Parameter-Varying Koopman Operator for Nonlinear System Modeling and Control
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2023
Changyu Lee, Kiyong Park, Jinwhan Kim*[C5] Robust Ship Berthing Control with Wind Disturbance Compensation using Reachability Analysis
22nd IFAC World Congress, 2023
Jinwook Park, Changyu Lee, Jinwhan Kim*[C4] Robust Path Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Ship using Stochastic Model Predictive Control
20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 2023
Kiyong Park, Changyu Lee, Jinwhan Kim*[C3] Robust Path Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance Using Tube-Based Model Predictive Control for Surface Vehicles
14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles (CAMS), 2022
Changyu Lee, Quoc Van Tran, Jinwhan Kim*[C2] Energy Efficient Control for Electric Ship Propulsion Considering Thrust Fluctuation in Regular Waves
13th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles (CAMS), 2021
Changyu Lee, Jinwhan Kim*[C1] Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Terrain Profile Tracking
16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 2019
Changyu Lee, Jinwhan Kim*Domestic
이찬규, 김진환*, “Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Berthing of a Twin-Propeller Twin-Rudder Ship”, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology (한국해양공학회지), 2023
이찬규, 김경서, 김진환*, “2023 MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge 대회 소개”, 로봇과 인간, 2022
이찬규, 장준우, 김진환*, “Stochastic model predictive control for motion control of an underactuated underwater vehicle”, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (제어로봇시스템학회지), 2020
김응현, 이찬규, 김진환*, “혼잡한 보행자 공간에서 운용되는 모바일 로봇 자율주행을 위한 경로계획”, 한국로봇학회 한국로봇종합학술대회, 2024 ${\color{red}{\text{ (Most Outstanding Paper Award)}}}$
정동하, 김종휘, 이찬규, 김진환*, “자율운항 연구를 위한 다중 센서 데이터 소개”, 한국해양공학회, 2023
김종휘, 정동하, 이찬규, 김진환*, “가항영역 탐지를 통한 운하 환경에서의 자율 경로 생성”, 대한조선학회, 2023
박기용, 이찬규, 김진환*, “비선형 모델 예측 제어 기법을 이용한 두 개의 전방향 추진기를 갖는 선박의 자동 접안”, 한국로봇학회 한국로봇종합학술대회, 2023. 02.
이찬규, 김진환*, “선박을 위한 강인한 모델예측제어기반 경로 추종 및 장애물 회피”, 제어로봇시스템학회, 2022. 06.
이찬규, 김진환*, “불규칙파 중 전기추진선박의 에너지 효율 향상을 위한 모델예측제어”, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회, 2022.06.
이찬규, 정동하, 김종휘, 조용훈, 김진환*, 최휘용, 이준식, “포항 운하에서의 자율 운항 실험을 위한 최적 경로 추종”, 대한조선학회 추계학술대회, 2021.11.
김종휘, 정동하, 이찬규, 조용훈, 김진환*, 장왕석, 박세용, “포항 운하에서의 자율 운항 실험을 위한 다중 센서 융합”, 한국해양공학회 추계학술대회, 2021.10.
이찬규, 김진환*, “파랑 중 전기추진선박의 에너지 효율 향상을 위한 모델예측제어”, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회, 2021.05.
이찬규, 김진환*, “쌍축 쌍타 선박의 자동접안을 위한 모델예측제어”, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회, 2020.07. ${\color{red}{\text{ (Outstanding Student Paper Presentation Award)}}}$
장준우, 이찬규, 김진환*, “표적 운동 추정 과정에서의 다중모델 기반 필터의 모호성 해결”, 제어로봇시스템학회, 2019. 05.
김종휘, 김근환, 이찬규, 김진환*, 이필엽, “단안 카메라 영상을 이용한 합성곱 신경망 기반 선박 탐지 및 추적”, 한국해양공학회 추계학술대회, 2018.11.